Translation and Psychometric Assessment of Social Anxiety Scale for Adolescents in Pakistan


  • Riaz Ahmad, Zakia Bano


This study investigated the psychometric properties of a Pakistani version of Social Anxiety Scale for adolescents (SASA; La Greca, 1999) in a sample of student adolescents between ages of 12-19 years. The language equivalence of the scale was estimated as .848 significant at .01 alpha level, by using bilingual design on the target group. The SAS-A demonstrated good psychometric properties with high levels of internal consistency and reliability (.872), test retest reliability (.887) and split half (.817) at .01 level of significance. Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) supported the original 3- factor structure of Social Anxiety Scale-Adolescents. The Pakistani version of SAS-A has found to be a reliable and worth using instrument to assess social anxiety of student adolescents in Pakistan.




How to Cite

Riaz Ahmad, Zakia Bano. (2013). Translation and Psychometric Assessment of Social Anxiety Scale for Adolescents in Pakistan . Pakistan Journal of Psychology , 44(1). Retrieved from