A Comparative Study of the Professional Quality of Life between Trainees in the Field of Medicine and Mental Health


  • Kausar Ansari, Laila Lodhia


The purpose of this study was to compare the professional quality of life between trainees of the medical and mental health fields, and measure to what extent compassion fatigue and compassion satisfaction affects these professionals when under training and further to see the difference between the two groups on compassion satisfaction, secondary traumatic stress, and burnout. It was hypothesized that trainees in the field of mental health would be more prone to facing compassion satisfaction, secondary traumatic stress, and burnout in comparison to trainees in medical fields. The sample of the research consisted of 80 participants including both male and female trainees, aged 23-26 years; comprised of two groups. The first group included 40 trainees from the field of clinical psychology. Their education level was at least a master’s degree in clinical psychology; and they were currently enrolled in a Post Magistral Diploma in Clinical Psychology (PMDCP) or MS program (1st year) of clinical psychology. The second group included 40 trainees that comprised of the medical field, including BDS and MBBS. They were currently be enrolled in a house-job. Analysis showed significant difference between the two groups on the variable of compassion satisfaction and Secondary traumatic stress.




How to Cite

Kausar Ansari, Laila Lodhia. (2013). A Comparative Study of the Professional Quality of Life between Trainees in the Field of Medicine and Mental Health. Pakistan Journal of Psychology , 44(1). Retrieved from https://pjpku.com/index.php/pjp/article/view/92