Religiosity and Life Satisfaction


  • Bushra Khan, Bushra Subhani, Anjum Ara


The aim of the present research is to explore the relationship between religiosity, measured by religious involvement, religious influence and religious hope, and life satisfaction. The study was conducted on 298 male and female students of Karachi University with age ranging between 18 to 24 years. Religiousness measure and a satisfaction with life scale were used to measure religiosity and life satisfaction respectively. Results indicated that religious influence and religious hope were significantly correlated with life satisfaction. However when religiosity components were used together in a model while controlling for age and gender, only religious influence was significantly associated with life satisfaction. This study reveals an association between influence of religious beliefs in daily life and life satisfaction




How to Cite

Bushra Khan, Bushra Subhani, Anjum Ara. (2013). Religiosity and Life Satisfaction. Pakistan Journal of Psychology , 44(1). Retrieved from