About the Journal
The Pakistan Journal of Psychology (PJP) is the official publication of the Institute of Clinical Psychology, the University of Karachi since 1965. The PJP is HEC recognized journal, Print ISSN 0030-9869 published biannually under the editorship of the Director, Institute of Clinical Psychology.
The Pakistan Journal of Psychology encourages scientific originality and creativity in the field of Psychology. It publishes empirical and conceptual papers, which aim to increase the understanding of human behavior, pathology as well as enhance the standard of research in Pakistan. It covers the broad range of domains including industrial, social, organizational, and personnel psychology, as well as all experimental and clinical research on etiology and management of psychiatric illnesses/ associated problems with medical illness, and their preventions. The main areas of interest also include personality, sociology and psychometrics. Innovative or interdisciplinary approaches with a psychological emphasis and those, which develop the link between clinical psychology and other areas of the discipline, such as social and cognitive psychology are particularly considered. Authors are generally expected to relate their analysis, as far as possible to the socio-cultural context of Pakistan in particular, and developing and developed countries in general.
Editorial Board of ‘Pakistan Journal of Psychology does not accept responsibility for the statement, contents, opinions expressed, or conclusions drawn by the contributors to the ‘Pakistan Journal of Psychology ’.