About PJP
Editor: Prof. Dr. Uzma Ali
ISSN-P: 0030-9869
ISSN-E: 2788-4880
Frequency: Bi-Annual
Print, Length, And Formatting
Manuscript should follow the sequence as Abstract; Introduction; Methodology; Results; Discussion and References (other legends and acknowledgements should be provided in the last).
Abstract should follow the following format, in the form of a paragraph: Objectives; sample description; measures (with references), statistical method, results; and conclusion. It should be not more than 960 characters and spaces.
Its main objective is to introduce the purpose of the research. The rationale for the study with appropriate and relevant similar work is included in this section. Literature review on only strictly permanent matters should be cited. Methodology of previous work and data should be avoided, except in the case of logical necessity.
The sample description, sampling technique, design of study, measures used, procedure and statistical method application should be described in this section in detail to allow replication of the study. This section should follow the sequence as
This section must include detailed information about sample i.e. population of interest, sample size, their demographic characteristics, sampling technique, from where the sample was recruited, and inclusion and exclusion criteria.
Measures used should be described in this section. The measures should be identified with Author/ publisher’s name and reference. If any sort of permission and consent was taken from an authority it should be clearly mentioned. For each measure, state number of dimensions (sub-scale) as appropriate, number of items, scale of measurement (e.g. Likert scale- how many options and what they were). What low value and high value mean (e.g. higher value indicates higher levels of reported stress). Then reliability coefficient (usually Cronbach’s Alpha).
This section must include description of how participants were approached, selected and recruited. What information was given to recruit them (rights to refuse, discontinue, anonymity, confidentiality etc.)? How did they access the questionnaires? How did the inform consent was sought?
Scoring & Statistical Analysis
This section must include description of the scoring procedure and statistical methods used for testing the hypothesis.
Results should be presented in a logical sequence in tables and illustrations.
It should consist of author’s analysis of results, comments, arguments supported by identical work done by other authors as well as analysis of other similar work and justification of results in Pakistani cultural context. This section should also include a concluding paragraph to bring the whole study together and a paragraph on limitations of the study under investigation.
Follow APA Publication Manual (7th ed.) to seek guidance for reference citation in text and in reference list.
References cited in the text must appear in the list at the end of the article in the following style and typed in single spacing:
Ansari, K., & Sadiq, U. (2006). A dimensional model of personality and borderline features: Correlational analysis. Pakistan Journal of Psychology, 37(1), 75-89.
Zelkowitz, P., & Milet, T. H. (1995). Screening for post-partum depression in a Community sample. In E. H. Hagen (1999), The functions of postpartum depression. Evaluation and Human Behavior, 20, 325-359.
Note: For further convenience and understanding see the latest issue of Pakistan Journal of Psychology.
About PJP
Editor: Prof. Dr. Uzma Ali
ISSN-P: 0030-9869
ISSN-E: 2788-4880
Frequency: Bi-Annual
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